B-B On the Road, Stage 1, pt. 2
January 14, 2018

After almost 2800km from Budapest to Almeria, we almost made it two ferries earlier as planned and am now waiting for the morning ferry to Nador. It took us about 36 hours to get here. Others probably were faster, but we are certainly not the last! Lots of other teams waiting for the ferry with us, rearranging their cars or doing technical checks. Again, it’s funny seeming completely out of context next to all the 4x4 cars.
On a trip like this one would assume no complications on European highways, but rather down in Africa on dirt roads. Well, we managed to blow a tyre on a flat road anyway but managed to get it fixed within two hours in France. Thanks to BestDrive in Saint-Martin-de-Crau for bringing us back on the road!